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Tune: The Bearer of the Ring by Maury Laws
Source: Conifer Gilbert (2019) / Banbury Cross Morris
Equipment: hankies
Chorus: Chorus: two double steps in a spiral, hop-backs, foot-together-jump. Two open sidesteps, two "beetle crusher" capers (fore capers), two closed sidesteps, galley, foot-together-jump.
Figures: foot in & out, star, rounds, vortex

Detailed Description


Chorus: two double steps in a circle, spiraling in on the first and continuing around on the second to halfway around. Two hop-backs to expand the circle to its original size and foot-together-jump. Two open sidesteps (right, then left), two "beetle crusher" capers (fore capers) moving in to a tight circle, two closed sidesteps, galley back to larger circle, foot-together-jump.


Foot In & Out

(Similar to foot up & down.)

Face in. Two double steps toward the center (one stationary, one in place). Galley (out from the center). Foot-together-jump to face down.
Face out. Two double steps out from the center (one stationary, one in place). Galley (out from the center). Foot-together-jump ½ way around to face in.


(Similar to half gyp.)

This is the description for half gyp. It needs editing.
Two double steps, one to cross to your partner's position (starting on the left foot1) and passing by the right shoulder) and one in place. Hop backs to return to place. Foot-together-jump.
Face across. Two double steps, one to cross to your partner's position (starting on the right foot2) and passing by the left shoulder) and one in place. Hop backs to return to place. Foot-together-jump.


On the catch-step (“and”) before the downbeat, hop into a circle and face clockwise. Middles will need to move outwards (“bulge”). One double step around the circle (clockwise). On the second double step spiral into a clump, ending halfway around the circle but closer to the center. Hop backs to your corner's place (halfway around the circle). Foot-together-jump.
On the catch-step (“and”) before the downbeat, all dancers turn a little more than 180° over their left shoulders (“hard turn”) and go back the way they came (counter-clockwise). Again, on the second double step spiral into a clump, ending halfway around the circle but closer to the center. Hop backs to your original place. Foot-together-jump.


(Similar to back-to-back.)

This is the description for back-to-back. It needs editing.
Face across. Two double steps: on the first one cross to your partner's position (starting on the left foot and passing by the right shoulder), and on the second one slide to your right. Hop backs to return to place, this time passing your partner by the left shoulder. Foot-together-jump.
Face across. Two double steps: on the first one cross to your partner's position (starting on the right foot and passing by the left shoulder), and on the second one slide to your left. Hop backs to return to place, this time passing your partner by the right shoulder. Foot-together-jump.


T:Bearer of the Ring
C:Maury Laws (1980)
K:E minor
V:1 clef=treble
% V:1 clef=alto octave=-1
B | Beef g3 a | geee e3 B | Beef g2 e2 | d6 z2 |
Beef g3 a | geee e3 f | g2 e2 e2 d2 | e6 z ||
e | =f2 f2 aaaa | beee e3 e | =f3 f aaaa | dddd d3 B |
B3 B BBBB | B6 B2 | e6 e2 | e4 g2 f2 | B4 A4 | G4 F4 |
Beef g3 a | geee e3 B | B2 B2 B3 B | e6 z |]
% Beef g3 a | geee e3 f | g2 e2 e2 d2 | e6 z |]
% B3 B BBBB | B4-B BBB | e3 e e2 gf | B6 z |
W:Written for the 1980 animated film "The Return of the King"
W:Music by Maury Laws, lyrics by Jules Bass
this will be the outside foot as you pass
this will again be the outside foot as you pass
dances/fieldtown/silverfudge.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/27 18:40 by Jeff Bigler