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Double Step

The double-step is used to move forward.

The stepping pattern is “1-2-3-hop” or “run-run-run-hop”. Legs are mostly straight and slightly in front of the dancer during the 1-2-3. On the hop, the free leg comes up and kicks (with the toe held up–not pointed) so the bells get a nice ring.

In hankie dances, the hankies float down gradually through 1 & 2, raise up gradually on 3 (ending as high as the dancer can reach), and flick upwards on the hop. On the final double step before a hop back or foot-together-jump, the hankies are gathered at the dancer's chest rather than raised all the way up. The entire movement should be gradual, and the hankies should not stop from the time they start down until they reach the top again.
In stick dances, the stick is pointed with the tip pointed toward the ground, close to vertical but not quite. On the final double step before a hop back or foot-together-jump, the stick and free hand are brought in front of the dancer, with hands ending up at the dancer's chest.

dances/fieldtown/figures/double-step.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/11 18:17 by Jeff Bigler