Tune: The Rose (traditional) Source: traditional Chorus: two half heys, but with galleys (in toward the center) at the end of each sequence instead of hop-backs. Figures: once to yourself, foot up & down, half gyp, back-to-back, rounds & all up.
Chorus: two half heys, but with galleys (in toward the center) at the end of each sequence instead of hop-backs.
Hankie dances: stand in position, trying not to look stupid. Five beats before the end of the tune, bring the hankies up to chest-level and rise onto your toes. Then two hop backs and a foot-together-jump. Stick dances: stand in position, trying not to look stupid. Two beats before the end of the tune, do a foot-together-jump.
On the catch-step (“and”) before the downbeat, hop into a circle and face clockwise. Middles will need to move outwards (“bulge”). One double step around the circle (clockwise). On the second double step spiral into a clump, ending halfway around the circle but closer to the center. Hop backs to your corner's place (halfway around the circle). Foot-together-jump. On the catch-step (“and”) before the downbeat, all dancers turn a little more than 180° over their left shoulders (“hard turn”) and go back the way they came (counter-clockwise). Again, on the second double step spiral into a clump, ending halfway around the circle but closer to the center. Hop backs to your original place. Foot-together-jump.
Rounds as above, but using "beetle crusher" capers and a slow galley at the end.
Rounds as above, but using upright capers and a slow galley at the end.
X:1 T:The Rose C:Traditional O:Field Town M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G major clef=treble V:1 Q:69 P:A (3 (D/E/F/) | G>DG G2 A | B>AB c>de | d>BG c>AF | G>AG G2 :| P:B |: B>c | d>ed dBG | A>cB AFD | E>FG c>AF | G>AG G2 :| (3 (D/E/F/) | P:C M:4/4 L:1/8 |: GD G2 G2 A2 | BA B2 cd e2 | dB G2 cA F2 |1 GA G2 G2 D/E/F :|2 \ M: 2/4 GA G2 ||\ M:6/8 G3-G2 |]