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Jack in the Green

%%stretchlast yes
T:Jack in the Green
K:G minor
V:1 clef=treble
D | G G G | F D C | D G F | G2
w:1.~Now | win- ter is | o- ver, I'm | hap- py to | say,
w:2.~Now | Jack in the | Green is a | ver- y strange | man;
w:3.~With | gar- lands he'll | cov- er the | trees that are | bare
w:4.~Now~the | sun is half | up and be- | tok- ens the | hour
D/D/ | G G G | F D C | D G F | G2
w:1.~That we'll | all meet a- | gain on the | first day of | May.
w:2.~Though he | dies ev- ery | au- tumn he~is | born ev- ery | Spring
w:3.~And our | gar- dens he'll | trim with his | jac- ket so | rare;
w:4.~And the | chil- dren ar- | rive with their | gar- lands of | flowers.
(G/A/) | B B B | B B c | d G G | (G !fermata!A2)
w:1.~And we'll | all meet a- | gain on the | first day of | Spring,_
w:2.~And each | year on his | birth- day we~will | dance in the | street_
w:3.~And the | fields he will | sow with the | hair on his | head_
w:4.~So* | come let the | mu- sic and | danc- ing be- | gin_
(B/A/) | G G G | F D C | D G F | G3 |
w:1.~And we'll | go a- bout | danc- ing with | Jack in the | Green.
w:2.~And* | In re- turn | Jack, he will | rip- en our | wheat.
w:3.~And our | grain it will | rip- en 'till | Old Jack is | dead.
w:4.~And* | touch the good | heart of young | Jack in the | Green.
D G F | G3- | G3 | D G A | A3- | A2
w:1.~Jack in the | Green_ | Jack in the | Green_
w:2.~Rip- en our | wheat_ | Rip- en our | wheat_
w:3.~Old Jack is | dead,_ | Old Jack is | dead._
w:1.~Jack in the | Green_ | Jack in the | Green_
(B/A/) | G G G | F D C | D G F | G3- | G2 |]
w:1.~And we'll | all dance in | Spring- time with | Jack in the | Green_
w:2.~And* | In re- turn | Jack, he will | rip- en our | wheat._
w:3.~And our | grain it will | rip- en 'till | Old Jack is | dead._
w:4.~And* | touch the good | heart of young | Jack in the | Green._

Now winter is over, I'm happy to say,
That we'll all meet again on the first day of May.
And we'll all meet again on the first day of Spring,
And go about dancing with Jack in the Green.

Jack in the Green, Jack in the Green,
We'll all dance in Springtime with Jack in the Green.

Now Jack in the Green is a very strange man;
Though he dies every Autumn, he's born every Spring.
And each year, on his birthday, we will dance in the street
And in return Jack, he will ripen our wheat.

Ripen our wheat, ripen our wheat,
In return Jack, he will ripen our wheat.

With garlands he'll cover the trees that are bare
And our gardens he'll trim with his jacket so rare;
And the fields he will sow with the hair of his head
And our grain it will ripen till old jack is dead.

Old jack is dead, old Jack is dead,
And our grain it will ripen till old jack is dead.

Now the sun is half up and betokens the hour
And the children arrive with their garlands of flowers.
So come, let the music and dancing begin
And touch the good heart of young Jack in the Green.

Jack in the Green, Jack in the Green,
And touch the good heart of young Jack in the Green.

song/jack-in-the-green.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/28 19:31 by Jeff Bigler