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Country Life

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T:Country Life
V:1 clef=treble
c2 c>c c2 E>E | F2 A2 G2 B2 | c3 c c2 E2 | (F2 A2) G2 z2 |
w:I like to rise when the | sun, she ris-es | ear-ly in the | morn- * ing. |
c2 c>c c2 E2 | F2 A2 G2 B2 | c>c c>c c2 E2 | (F2 A2) G2 B>B |
w:I like to hear them | small birds sing-ing | merr-i-ly up-on their | lay- * lum and hur-
c2 c>c c2 E>E | F2 A2 G2 C>D | E>E G>G F2 D2 | C6 |]
w:rah for the life of a | coun-try boy and to | ram-ble in the new mown | hay. |
G2 | c2 c2 c2 (E>E) | F2 A2 G2 B2 | c>c c>c c2 E2 | F2 A2 G2 B>B |
w:1~In | spring we sow, at the | har-vest mow, and | that is how the sea-sons | 'round they go.  But of
w:2.~In | win-ter when the * | sky is gray, we | hedge * and we ditch our | time a-way.  But in
w:3.~In | Au- tumn when the * | oak trees turn, we | gath- er all the wood that's | fit to burn.  We*
c3 c c2 (E>E) | F2 A2 G2 C>D | E>E G>G F2 D2 | C6 ||
w:1.~all the times, if I | choose, I may, to go | ramb-lin' in the new mown | hay. |
w:2.~sum-mer when the * | sun shines gay, we go | ramb-lin' in the new mown | hay. |
w:3.~cut and stow and* | stash a- way, and go | ramb- lin' in the new mown | hay.

I like to rise when the sun she rises,
Early in the morning
I like to hear them small birds singing,
Merrily upon their laylum
And hurrah for the life of a country boy,
And to ramble in the new mown hay.

In spring we sow, at the harvest mow
And that is how the seasons round they go
But of all the times choose I may
To go ramblin' in the new mown hay


In winter when the sky is gray
We hedge and ditch our time away,
But in summer when the sun shines gay,
We go ramblin' in the new mown hay.


In autumn when the oak trees turn
We gather all the wood that's fit to burn
We cut and stash and stow away
And go ramblin' in the new mown hay.

song/country-life.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/01 05:53 by Jeff Bigler