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The foot-together-jump is “in place” (not moving in any direction), and is used as an arrival at the end of a stepping sequence or musical phrase.

The pattern is “squat-jump-land”. This happens slowly. The squat (not too low so it doesn't look ridiculous) happens through beats 1 & 2. The jump happens somewhere around beat 3, adjusting the timing so the dancer lands exactly on beat 4. Hands are brought in front of the dancer's chest.

In hankie dances, the hankies are thrust upwards on beat 4 so that they arrive at their highest point on the “and” (half-beat) after beat 4.
In stick dances, clash on beat for at the same time as the landing.

dances/fieldtown/figures/foot-together-jump.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/11 18:17 by Jeff Bigler