Tune: The Keel Row (MP3 played by Jeff Bigler) Set: 8 dancers; 29“ (medium) sticks; skipping (single steps) Source: Ironmen (via Kearn Morris) Chorus: H-L-H-L-H-L-FBF (all but last FBF while stepping) Figures: forearm swings, star, casting (mirror) hey, motorcycle hey, casting hey, star, forearm swings, final chorus speeding up and ending with one dancer chasing the other off
The Keel Row (MP3 played by Jeff Bigler)
X:1 T:The Keel Row T:(Woodhouse Bog) C:Traditional M:C L:1/8 Q:1/4=132 K:G Major %%partsfont Times-Bold 16.0 %%MIDI channel 1 %%MIDI control 7 100 % volume = 100 %%MIDI program 41 % General MIDI violin %%MIDI transpose 0 %%MIDI gchordoff P:A |: B2 G>B c2 A>c | B2 G>B A>F D2 | B2 G>B c2 A>c | B>GA>F G2 z2 :| P:B |: B>cd>g e2 d>c | B2 G>BA>F D2 | B>cd>g e2 d>c | B>GA>F G2 z2 :|