Tune: Thème Vannetais, by Tri Yann Set: 5 dancers; 34“ (long) sticks; skipping (single steps) Source: Boggart's Breakfast Chorus: (B music) While stepping, middle (#5) dibs ground, then clashes 2x with #1, then repeat with #2, #3, and #4 (anticlockwise around the set). Meanwhile, each of dancers #1-4 (while stepping) dibs the ground and then either clashes once or raises the stick in the air. The order for #1 is: clash with center, raise stick in the air, clash left (once), clash right (once). #2 starts clashing right, #3 starts clashing left, and #4 starts raising stick in the air. Sequence is repeated twice. Figures: (A music) once-to-yourself (A), cross over (B), reels (B), weave (B2), cross & pass (B), surreal (B), aardvark (instead of chorus)(A2), rounds & off (B vamp).