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Tune: Thème Vannetais, by Tri Yann
Set: 5 dancers; 34“ (long) sticks; skipping (single steps)
Source: Boggart's Breakfast
Chorus: (B music) While stepping, middle (#5) dibs ground, then clashes 2x with #1, then repeat with #2, #3, and #4 (anticlockwise around the set). Meanwhile, each of dancers #1-4 (while stepping) dibs the ground and then either clashes once or raises the stick in the air. The order for #1 is: clash with center, raise stick in the air, clash left (once), clash right (once). #2 starts clashing right, #3 starts clashing left, and #4 starts raising stick in the air. Sequence is repeated twice.
Figures: (A music) once-to-yourself (A), cross over (B), reels (B), weave (B2), cross & pass (B), surreal (B), aardvark (instead of chorus)(A2), rounds & off (B vamp).

Detailed Description

Dancers are arranged as follows:

1     4
2     3


#5 hits the ground, then sticks twice with #1, then ground and #2, then ground and #3, then ground and #4. Repeat.

For the other dancers, the pattern is left-right-center-up. #1 starts sticking with the center, #2 starts sticking with #3 (“right”), #3 starts sticking with #2 (“left”), and #4 starts raising the stick into the air (“up”).

Different teams do different numbers of clashes. We clash twice with the center, and once for the “left” and “right” clashes.



The four outside dancers (#1-4) dance toward the middle, turning (to the left) their backs on #5, then continue backing out to corner's place. Repeat three more times.

Reel (or Hey)

The line that includes #1, 5, 3 dance one cycle through a hey (passing right shoulders the first time). At the end of the hey (the half-way point in the music), #5 turns and passes left shoulders with #2, and the hey continues on the diagonal that includes dancers #2, 5, 4.


This figure looks different in every video. Here is our interpretation:

The figure is double-length, so it requires twice through the B (figure) music.

Dancers #2 & 4 are posts and stand in place for the entire figure.

The line of #1, 5, 3 dance around #4 and approach #2. When #1 is facing #2, #1 circles around to the left to the back of the line of dancers, and #5, 3, 1 dance around #2 and back to #4. Now #5 circles around to the back of the line, and dancers #3, 1, 5 circle around #4. When the line again reaches #2, #3 circles around to the back of the line, and dancers #1, 5, 3 continue to their original places.

A double-length B is longer than you need, so move slowly.

Cross & Pass

Similar to crossover, but cross once through the middle, then pass across the set (turning your back on your partner as you pass). Repeat.


This is a linked hey. Dancers #1 & 4 are linked, and #2 & 3 are linked. #5 is alone (or linked with the fool). Travel 1½ times through the hey, ending in a line of (top-to-bottom) #2, 3, 5, 4, 1.


This is a double-length figure, so it requires 2 times through the A (sticking) music.

Dancer #2 peels off the top and dances toward the bottom. 3 sticks with 5 and 4 with 1. Different teams use different patterns. We use: F-B F-B F-B F-F-F. (F = forehand; B = backhand) By now, #2 has arrived at the bottom of the set. #3 peels off the top while #5, 4, 1 turn over their left shoulder to stick with a new dancer. Repeat 2 more times, ending with #1 at the top. Then everyone turns to face up and #1 leads off.


T:Thème Vannetaisse
C:Tri Yann
K:E minor
"Em"E2 B2 B2 AB | G2 E2 E4 | "D"A3 G F3 E |1 DEFA "Bm"G2 F2 :|2 DEFA "Em"E4 |]
"Em"EFGF EFGF | EFGA B2 G2 |1 "D"DEFE D3 E | F2 A2 "Bm"G2 F2 :|2 DEFE D3 A | "Bm"G2 F2 "Em"E4 |]
dances/border/twiglet.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/12 10:29 by Jeff Bigler