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Tune: Four Lane End (MP3 played by Jeff Bigler), by John Kirkpatrick ?
Set: 4 dancers; 29“ (medium) sticks1); bedlam stepping (step-hop-step-hop run-run-run-hop)
Source: Shropshire Bedlams / John Kirkpatrick
Chorus: sticking sequence by dancer #1, then #2, #3, #4: left-middle-right-middle-left-middle-right then forehand-back for next dancer to start sequence. End with repeated forehand-backhand, alternating between neighbor & partner.
Figures: dance on & rounds, high-low, multiples, turn & toss, tosses

many other teams use 19”
dances/border/four-lane-end-description.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/22 09:38 by Jeff Bigler