Tune: Joy by Jeff Bigler (MP3 played by Jeff Bigler) Set: 6 dancers; 29“(medium) sticks; skipping (single steps) Source: Red Herring / Jeff Bigler, Laura Bigler, Jon Pfeffer and Rex Powell (2017) Chorus: middles (#3 and #4) dance clockwise, clashing with stationary dancers on the downbeats of bars 1, 3, 5, and 7 as they pass. Everyone else starts with #1 clashing with #3, #6 clashing with #4, and #2 and #5 tossing diagonally across the set. Then the inner 4 dancers rotate one person to the left and clash forehand-backhand-forehand, then rotate left again and clash outwards or toss. Continue the pattern. Figures: grand right & left on, hex bomb (hexagonal bombast), staggered starburst, through & throw, triangles off