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Tune: Captain Bike, by Jeff Bigler
Set: 8 dancers; 34“ (long) sticks; skipping (single steps)
Source: Red Herring / Jeff Bigler (2008)
Chorus: (Bar 1) clash with partner. (Bar 2) clash with partner while crossing to partner's place. (Bar 3) Turn right and clash with partner. (Bars 4-6) Move along the line to the next person & clash. When you reach the end, loop around & head back toward the top of the set. (Bars 7-8) turn out from middle to face partner. Repeat.
Figures: dance on & rounds (with sticks in, like spokes of a wheel), cross & swing, J-loops, "motorcycle" hey & off

dances/border/captain-bike-description.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/22 09:23 by Jeff Bigler