Style: Headington (Cotswold)
Tune: Bacca Pipes
Dancers: 1 or 2
Equipment: bagged hankies, crossed clay pipes
Stepping: Headington single-steps, cross-backs, foot-together-jump
Source: Cecil Sharp, The Morris Book, Lionel Bacon, A Handbook of Morris Dances
Setup: the pipes are set up as shown below. Dance positions are numbered 1-8, with the dancer's head facing in the direction of the >. Toe/heel taps occur in positions A-D. (The image is from The Morris Book, by Cecil Sharp.)
Distinctive Figures:
X: 1 T:Bacca Pipes C:traditional M:6/8 L:1/8 A:Headington P:A(AB)4AC(CD)4CE(EF)4EG(GH2)4G K:ADor P:A Q:450 c3 c2e|d2c B3 |c2B A3 |B2A G3 |\ c3 c2e|d2c B3 |c2A B2G|A3 A3 || P:B g2f g2e|d2B G3 |g2f g2b|a2f d3 |\ g2f g2e|d2B G2B |c2A B2G|A3 A3 || P:C B|c2B c2e|d2B G2B|c2A ABc|B2G E2 B |\ c2B c2e|d2B G2B|c2A BAG|A3 A2 || P:D f|g3 gfe|d2B G3 |g3 gab|a2g e3 |\ g3 gfe|d2B G2B |c2A B2G|A3 A2 || P:E K:D Q:450 B|c2B c2e|d2c B2B|c2B A2A|G2F E2B|\ c2B c2e|d2c B2B|c2A B2G|A3 A2 || P:F f|g2f g2e|d2c B3 |g2f g2g|a2g e2f|\ g2f g2e|d2c B2B|c2A B2G|A3 A2 || P:G K:ADor Q:300 B|c2B c2e|d2c Bcd|c2B ABc|B2G E2B|\ c2B c2e|d2c Bcd|c2A B2G|A3 A2 || P:H f|g2f g2e|d2B G3 |g2f g2e|f3 def|\ g2f g2e|d2B GAB|c2A B2G|A3 A2 ||