Tune: The Keel Row (MP3 played by Jeff Bigler)
Set: 8 dancers; 29“ (medium) sticks; skipping (single steps)
Source: Ironmen (via Kearn Morris)
Chorus: H-L-H-L-H-L-FBF (all but last FBF while stepping)
Figures: forearm swings, star, casting (mirror) hey, motorcycle hey, casting hey, star, forearm swings, final chorus speeding up and ending with one dancer chasing the other off
X:1 T:The Keel Row T:(Woodhouse Bog) C:Traditional M:C L:1/8 Q:1/4=132 K:G Major %%partsfont Times-Bold 16.0 %%MIDI channel 1 %%MIDI control 7 100 % volume = 100 %%MIDI program 41 % General MIDI violin %%MIDI transpose 0 %%MIDI gchordoff P:A |: B2 G>B c2 A>c | B2 G>B A>F D2 | B2 G>B c2 A>c | B>GA>F G2 z2 :| P:B |: B>cd>g e2 d>c | B2 G>BA>F D2 | B>cd>g e2 d>c | B>GA>F G2 z2 :|