===== Hal An Tow ===== %%stretchlast yes X:1 T:Hal an' Tow C:traditional O:Cornwall M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G V:1 clef=treble "Verses 1 & 2" B | B2 B A2 G | A2 A E2 B | c2 d e2 d | c2 B A2 w:1.~Since | man was first cre- | a-- ted, these | words have been de- | bat-* ed w:2. | Take no scorn to | wear the horn, it | was the crest when | you were born A | B2 B A2 G | A2 A E2 B | B2 A G2 F | G6 | w:1.~That | we have cel- e- | brat-* ed the | com- ing of the | spring. | w:2.~Your | fath- er's fath- er | wore it and your | fath- er wore it | too. | "Chorus" % B3 A3 | G6 | B2 B d2 d | A6 | % w:Hal- an- | Tow. | Jol- ly rum- ble, | O % B3 A3 | G6 | c2 d e2 d | (c2 B) A2 % w:We were | up, | long be- fore the | day,_ O, B3 A3 | G6 | B2 B d2 d | A6 | B3 A3 | G6 | c2 d e2 d | (c2 B) A2 w:Hal- an- | Tow. | Jol- ly rum- ble, | O | We were | up, | long be- fore the | day,_ O, A | B2 B A2 G | A3 E2 B | c2 d e2 d | c2 B !fermata!A2 w:To | wel- come in the | sum- mer, to | wel- come in the | May-* O A | B2 B A2 G | A2 A E2 B | B2 A G2 F | G3 G3 | w:For | sum- mer is a- | com- in' in, and | win- ter's gone a- | way, O | "Verses 3-5" B | B2 B A2 G | A2 A E2 B | c2 d e2 d | c2 B A2 w:3. | Rob- in Hood and | Lit- tle John, they've | both gone to the | Fair_ O w:4.~What | hap- pened to the | Span- i- ards that | made so great a | boast_ O w:5.~God | bless the mer- ry | mus-* es with | all their pow'r and | might_ O A | B2 B A2 G | A2 A E2 B | c2 d e2 d | c2 B !fermata!A2 w:3.~and | we will to the | merry green wood to | hunt the buck and | hare_ O w:4. | They shall eat the | feath- ered goose and | we shall eat the | roast_ O w:5.~And | send this peace to | Eng-* land, let | peace be day and | night_ O Since man was first created, These words have been debated That we have celebrated The coming of the Spring **Chorus:** //Hal-an-Tow, jolly rumble-O We were up long before the day-O To welcome in the summer To welcome in the May-O For summer is a-comin' in And winter's gone away-O// Take no scorn to wear the horn It was the crest when you were born Your father's father wore it And your father wore it too [Chorus] Robin Hood and Little John They've both gone to the fair-O And we will to the merry green wood To hunt the buck and hare oh [Chorus] What happened to the Spaniards That made so great a boast-O? They shall eat the feathered goose And we shall eat the roast-O [Chorus] God bless the merry muses With all their power and might-O And send this peace to England Let peace be day and night-O [Chorus]