====== Dance Like It Matters ====== by Jeff Bigler (2012) //Dance like it matters And dance like you care Make the tune come alve As you float through the air With each shake of your bells And each clash, adding flair Bring the Morris to life when you dance// The dancers arrive and start milling about And they stand in the front keeping spectators out "From the village of Somethington..." One of them shouts But the Morris is much more than this... //[Chorus]// As each side struts their stuff with a fancy new dance Full of leaping and tossing and shouts to enhance Other teams socialize and give scarcely a glance But the Morris is much more than this... //[Chorus]// And the audience doesn't know what they've just seen Where the dances all come from and what they might mean Or the copious "in" jokes, some clean, some obscene But the Morris is much more than this... //[Chorus]// Then they go to a pub for a pint and a song And they sing it off key and get half the words wrong With the same tired hacks that just don't quite belong But the Morris is much more than this... //[Chorus]//