====== Saturday Night ====== {{page>saturday-night-description}} ===== Detailed Description ===== ==== Sequence ==== **Part A**: two [[dances:fieldtown:figures:double-step|double steps]], [[dances:fieldtown:figures:hop-back|hop backs]], [[dances:fieldtown:figures:foot-together-jump|foot-together-jump]]. **Part B**: [[dances:fieldtown:figures:side-step|open side step]] right, [[dances:fieldtown:figures:double-step|double step]], [[dances:fieldtown:figures:side-step|open side step]] left, [[dances:fieldtown:figures:foot-together-jump|foot-together-jump]]. Two [[dances:fieldtown:figures:beetle-crusher|"beetle crusher" capers]] in place. Process to the next position on four [[dances:fieldtown:figures:plain-caper|plain capers]]. ==== Adding Dancers ==== Dancer #1 starts facing up. Each dancer comes in facing #1 (//i.e.,// facing down). During the caper sequence, dancers facing up remain in place. Dancers facing down pass the dancer in front of them by the right shoulder and end up back-to-back with the dancer they just passed. If a dancer is facing down and is not partnered with another dancer, that dancer progresses by capering forward, turning over their right shoulder and facing up for the next sequence. Once the set is complete, the dancers do two [[dances:fieldtown:figures:half-hey|half heys]], ending all up. ==== Tune ==== {{page>saturday-night-tune}}