====== Nine Men's Morris ====== {{page>nine-mens-morris-description}} ===== Detailed Description ===== This is a dance for nine dancers, in a 3×3 set. It was written by Great Western Morris. Refer to their [[https://greatwesternmorris.org.uk/about-us-2/298-dance-notes/311-nine-mens-morrisdance notes]] for the definitive version. This page describes the dance as performed by Banbury Cross. ==== Chorus ==== All face up. [[dances:fieldtown:figures:side-step|Closed side step]] right, [[dances:fieldtown:figures:double-step|double step]], [[dances:fieldtown:figures:side-step|closed side step]] left, [[dances:fieldtown:figures:foot-together-jump|foot-together-jump]]. Dancers #5 & #6 leapfrog over #3 & #4 (on [[dances:fieldtown:figures:upright-caper|upright capers]]), then over #1 & #2. [[dances:fieldtown:figures:hop-back|Hop backs]], [[dances:fieldtown:figures:foot-together-jump|foot-together-jump]]. Note that Great Western shortens the tune and the dancers do leapfrogs on two beats. Banbury uses the longer version of the tune (as written) and the dancers leapfrog on [[dances:fieldtown:figures:upright-caper|upright capers]], as in other leapfrogging dances. ==== Figures ==== {{page>dances:fieldtown:figures:once-to-yourself}} {{page>dances:fieldtown:figures:foot-up}} Because there are three lines, all dancers [[dances:fieldtown:figures:galley|galley]] left both times. === Hey === This figure is double-length, so the A music happens twice. Four [[dances:fieldtown:figures:half-hey|half heys]], alternating between up & down and side-to-side. === Cross-Over === This figure is also double-length, so the A music happens twice. Sequence: one [[dances:fieldtown:figures:double-step|double step]] in place. One [[dances:fieldtown:figures:double-step|double step]] to cross to your corner's place (passing right shoulders with the person in the center). [[dances:fieldtown:figures:hop-back|Hop backs]] & [[dances:fieldtown:figures:foot-together-jump|foot-together-jump]]. The sequence happens four times, alternating corners, middles, corners, middles. === Rounds === The eight outside dancers do rounds surrounding the dancer in the center. The left line and top middle go straight into rounds. The right line and back do a "hard turn" by spinning over their right shoulder. One [[dances:fieldtown:figures:double-step|double step]] around the circle (clockwise). On the second [[dances:fieldtown:figures:double-step|double step]] spiral into a clump, ending halfway around the circle but closer to the dancer in the center. [[dances:fieldtown:figures:hop-back|Hop backs]] to your corner's place (halfway around the circle). [[dances:fieldtown:figures:foot-together-jump|Foot-together-jump]]. On the catch-step ("and") before the downbeat, all dancers spin a little more than 180° over their left shoulders ("hard turn") and go back the way they came (counter-clockwise). Again, on the second [[dances:fieldtown:figures:double-step|double step]] spiral into a clump, ending halfway around the circle but closer to the center. At the end, the middles on all four sides do four [[dances:fieldtown:figures:plain-caper|plain capers]] facing up. The corners do two [[dances:fieldtown:figures:plain-caper|plain capers]] to get to the person in the center and lift the center dancer in the air on the last beat of the dance. {{youtube>S_lZWhnwxac?large|Nine Men's Morris by Great Western Morris at Sidmouth 2014}} ==== Tune ==== {{page>dances:fieldtown:nine-mens-morris-tune}}