====== The Gentleman Soldier ====== {{page>gentleman-soldier-description}} ===== Detailed Description ===== ==== Chorus ==== //Chorus #1//: Dancer #1 steps into the center during bar 1; the other dancers form a circle around him/her. In bars 2-6 the dancer in the middle clashes (always with tip, forehand then backhand) with his/her corner, then moves one person clockwise in each bar. Everyone else clashes with the person who is available. All [[dances:fieldtown:figures:galley|galley]] right into a set. (The chorus does not repeat.) //Chorus #2//: Same as chorus #1 except that dancer #2 steps into the center. //Chorus #3//: Same as chorus #1 except that dancer #5 steps into the center. //Chorus #4//: Same as chorus #1 except that dancer #6 steps into the center. ==== Figures ==== {{page>dances:fieldtown:figures:once-to-yourself}} {{page>dances:fieldtown:figures:foot-up}} {{page>dances:fieldtown:figures:half-gyp}} {{page>dances:fieldtown:figures:back-to-back}} {{page>dances:fieldtown:figures:rounds}} ==== Tune ==== {{page>dances:fieldtown:gentleman-soldier-tune}}